about our library and archive

Torso of doctor in white jacket holding a stethoscope

browse our collections

We have resources for you to discover in our library, online and in our archives. Get to know our collections by browsing or searching using this website. If you need any help finding what you are looking for, just get in touch with one of our friendly librarians or archivists.

your research project

X-ray image of arm with hand signalling OK

keeping you on track with your research

Our experienced subject experts are here to help you find the right resources and access the right databases to support your research project. Get in touch with our subject librarians and make an appointment so they can help you with your work.

  • orthopedics
  • paediatrics
  • cardiology
  • pulmonary health
  • physiotherapy
  • oncology


bowls of fruit, salad and vegetables

how are we doing?

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Photo by Kaylee Garrett on Unsplash